Thursday, October 23, 2014

Russia and Ukraine fail to agree on gas deal

Press TV's correspondent in Kiev reports that Russia and Ukraine have failed to reach a provisional agreement on the resumption of gas deliveries.

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak and his Ukrainian counterpart Yuri Prodan were unable to agree on a much anticipated interim deal to resume gas deliveries to Ukraine during a Wednesday meeting in Brussels.

The Russian side expressed concerns on whether Ukraine has sufficient financial resources to cover its energy expenses and urged Europe to help the western-backed government in Kiev.

Story here



"We are ready to authorize the export of as much natural gas each day as Europe uses each day," U.S. President Barack Obama said at a news conference on March 26 following the U.S.-EU summit in Brussels. This would explain the LNG terminals being built on the Gulf Coast. So far, only 6 have been applied for and approved in the entire US. The total capacity of the approved terminals that will be commissioned between 2016 and 2020 is 118 billion cubic meters of gas. He knows he can't deliver to the demands for it in Europe. Putin knows this. Tail feathers be damned...

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