Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Can YOU spot this armed camouflaged Marine watching you


  1. I just barely made the third one. The fourth had my bush radar tingling...but I couldn't be sure. The rest? I would never have spotted them in a month of Sundays...

  2. The thing is that "coyote brown" is only really effective an a dry "tan" background. Marpat works well on forest floor and dry season. But that's it. Its nowhere near this effective if the background is green. It actually makes you stand out the same way that OG-107 would do if you used it in Iraq. Still USMC cammies are the best "three season" cammies you can get.

  3. 4 for 4. I do underwater video review of marine (saltwater) ROV videos, and have been locating cryptic fish and such for several years. It's all about color, patterns, and movement. Movement doesn't work here, as they expose the person before he moves.

    I do this 8 hours a day. Fun though.

