Tuesday, March 1, 2016

‘Unlocking cellphone is trivial, FBI should stop deceiving public & tell truth’ – John McAfee

The US public doesn’t need a Digital Security Commission, they need the FBI to stop deceiving everyone and tell the truth that it wants to spy on Americans, John McAfee, developer of the first commercial anti-virus program told RT’s Ed Schultz. 
Republican Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and Senator Mark Warner, a member of the Senate's Select Committee on Intelligence have introduced a draft bill that would create a ‘Digital Security Commission.’ It is supposed to help the US federal government better manage issues with encryption and better control the competing interests of law and technology companies.

The proposal came amid the ongoing legal standoff between Apple and the FBI over a San Bernardino attacker’s cellphone the feds want to decrypt.

Read the rest here 


Any backdoor is an engineered compromise to the underlying OS and kernel. If one phone is compromised, ALL phones are comprised. The hardware is all the same. There may be serial numbers and such that are unique to one phone, but any software that will work on one phone can be easily modified to work on any other. The FBI is telling Apple to purposefully create an OS w/ a security flaw. Hackers are highly adept at finding even the most subtle of unintentional security flaws. How long do you think it will take them to take advantage of one that was actually designed into the OS? Seems like they intentionally locked themselves out of the Icloud so they would have a completely contrived case for why Apple needs to help... This is getting comical now. They may as well just say: we should bug every house in the states so we can get everything from everyone to help us solve the case. Let's be honest folks, the real smart cookies are out in the private sector and not in a financially capped GS position.

But, somehow, we have celebrity nudes being released and phones being hacked... Riiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhtttt.

Bring on the new encryption laws for 2016. Mark it...

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