

Monday, January 5, 2015

Got ghosted again...

I had the opportunity to slide off into the thicket for some fast food this past weekend. Once again, I left empty handed. I blame all of the rain we had earlier last year that produced tons of acorns, the fickle weather that has given them a bit longer on the greens to eat, and me not being in the blind enough. 

Figures though... I walk out of my in-laws house and see this shit across the street.

It's a good thing I've got kin that share...


Phil said...

I see you have the same kind of luck I do.

I'm sorry.

Stackz O Magz said...

Phil I normally tear their asses up. Just didn't hit 7 or 11 this year. It's all good man. Black powder started today so I may bust out the ole' smoke pole and see if I can tag one.

Anonymous said...

Happens to the best of us. Unless you are dependent on the venison as your only source of meat, its GETTING OUT THERE AND APPRECIATING WHAT IS OUT THERE IS WHAT COUNTS. One on one time with your kid. Staying in touch with family / friends, marking 'another year' on the totem pole. And the experience does not go away.

Keep a journal. What you saw, when you saw it. Over a few years, you see patterns and can focus on where to stand next time. Good luck with blackpowder season.

Stackz O Magz said...

I enjoyed being unplugged and sitting in the silence. You're right, some days it's chicken and some days it's feathers. Thanks for the advice.