

Friday, March 27, 2015

FedEx refuses to ship CNC router machine because it can be used to drill holes in gun parts

(NaturalNews) Top shipping company FedEx has been accused of refusing a small business owner's gun-related product, in what he says is a politically correct attack on gun rights and the Second Amendment, as well as the free market.

Cody Wilson, innovator of Dark Wallet and a 3D-printed gun inventor, told InfoWars in a recent interview that FedEx's refusal to ship the Ghost Gunner, his company's latest product, has now left him without a way to fulfill the orders of customers who have bought it, which has effectively ruined his business.

What's really odd about the shipper's decision, he says, is that the product is not a firearm -- it's a machine.

Story here

Corporations following political agendas? You don't say...

Lawfare is a form of unconventional warfare involving the abuse of laws and judicial systems to undermine human rights.
Fed Ex dropped their pants for Uncle Sugar and agreed to get in line or face heavy penalties most likely.


Harry Flashman said...

Operation Choke Point as practiced by private commercial firms. They figure if they just keep stacking up the straws, one of them will eventually break the camels back.

Stackz O Magz said...

Harry you are dead nuts. That's exactly what they did. What a shame. What gets me is that a lot of people have no idea of what the Government is and what they are capable of. It often comes as a shock to them. Wouldn't be the first time I've been referred to as crazy, sure won't be the last either.