Here you will find random things to laugh, joke, and be serious about along with other things we enjoy in our lives. We grow our own food when we can and drink our homemade wine in Mason jars. The scent smoke rolling off the pit and the sound of washers clinking is pure Heaven to us.
Don't judge people for being themselves and bring a little common sense in your upper receiver, and you'll fit in well with us. You will also find that racists, flagrant attacks, and those who have no problem voting our Liberty and Freedom away are not welcome. If you don't understand that aspect, then there is no saving you because you're dead weight. I fucking love America and will do what is necessary to keep her.
There is no mercy to be found if you step across lines you know you aren't supposed to round' here. We laugh a lot, take pride in our Family fabric, and try to love each other even when we don't like each other. Life is too damn short to be negative and bring others down who are doing positive things in these times. I come from the USMC way of dealing with things: Kill it before it grows with heavy volleys of fire and maneuver. Peace be with you and just because we're peaceful these days doesn't mean we forgot how to be violent. You've got to be real with yourself before you try to keep it real with anyone else. I can smell the bullshit a mile away. Welcome!
Welcome to the Fray Stackz! Glad that recipe worked out for you.
In Liberty,
Welcome, man.
Whitehall, NY
Howdy doo, from Lower Alabama. :)
I like romas for the sauce, but am a grower of fine tomahtoes in any case.
Thank you Leigh. Come back and see me.
Howdy Critter! Thanks for stopping by. We got all kinds of maters coming up. Mortgage Lifters, Early Girls, Big Boys, Better Boys, Beef Steaks, and Centennials. My wife absolutely inherited her green thumb from her mother and grandmother. She was raised with her hands in the dirt and her feet close to a stove... I'm a lucky man. Come back and see me sometime!
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